How purchasing a Karaoke can help you meet your special someone?
A very common and reoccurring question that most people around the world tend to ask themselves is “Will I ever find my soul mate?” or “When will I ever meet my significant other?”.
The fear of leaving this earth alone is quite a common one and that doesn’t necessarily pertain to people older in age but the fear of feeling that you may not find a significant other or in this case, a girlfriend or a boyfriend exists in people who are a lot younger in age. More commonly around the mid to late teens. Not being in a relationship or even not having a friend of the opposite gender can do a lot to a teen such as hurt self esteem, decrease confidence, and in some cases cause depression.
What if I told you that owning karaoke can actually help you find a significant other and not just that but actually help you boost your confidence exponentially. Hard to believe? Allow me to explain.
Singing boosts confidence and self-esteem. Did you know a study has said that 85% of the world’s population lack self esteem! Lack of self-esteem and confidence is one of the key reasons why a person cannot or even will not allow themselves to search for their significant other. If one cannot have confidence in themselves then how can one expect to have confidence with someone else and believe me when I tell you that there is nothing more attractive to anyone than a man or woman that is bursting with self confidence.
Which brings up the question, how can singing possibly help? Scientific studies have said that when we sing, it releases something in our body called Oxytoxin. Oxytoxin is a chemical which promotes the feeling of love, trust, and bonding almost acting as an aid to a better social life as well as a more confident look in one’s self. Amazingly, Oxytoxin also carries the ability to make you look more attractive than you already are!
You may still be asking yourself, then why buy a karaoke when one can just sing? The answer is quite simple, no matter how many times we sing to ourselves in the comfort of our house; it will never psychologically put our mind on the spot. The machine not only subconsciously puts you on the spot, forcing you to increase the sound of your voice as well as have your eyes be in contact with the screen. It will also force you to pay attention, increasing a sense of focus, a sense not to mess up thus giving more clarity in your goals and ambitions with a head held up high. This aspect can help in an incredible amount when talking to the one you are attracted to which can be one of the scariest things a human can possibly do but would you rather talk to the person you are attracted to with no eye contact and a head looking down or would you talk to that person with clarity, confidence, and focus with a head held up high and a goal in mind. Get yourself a Platinum Karaoke player, practice a couple of times, maybe even gain a talent in singing and believe me. One would die for someone with confidence and a very attractive talent.