- Promo start: May 1, 2021
- Anyone can participate in this promo. Submission of entries will be every 7th day of the month, until 11:59pm only.
- Record performance on Video (Camera should be in landscape orientation) Sing the full entry song using minus one, with no microphone. Video submitted should have clear audio. You may send your entries at: https://www.platinumkaraoke.com/pages/platinum-singing-champion and fill up the necessary information:
a. Name
b. Age
c. Contact Number
d. Email Address
e. Home Address
f. Link of video - Upon submission of entry, you will receive an email confirmation once we received your video
- The entries will be stored in our backend system and will be retrieved only by authorized IT personnel beforejudging
- All entries in complete accordance with the mechanics, are the videos that will be qualified for the competition.
- Videos will be posted on the official Platinum Karaoke page https://www.facebook.com/ThePlatinumKaraoke/
- Contestants can send up to 5 video entries. Contestants will receive an email if they’ve reached the maximumnumber of entries (5)
- Top 30 video entries will be chosen for the first round (Every 14th of the month, 4pm)
- Out of the 30, 15 contestants will be chosen for the 2nd round and will be advised to send a new performanceentry (Every 21st of the month, 4pm)
- Top 10 videos will be chosen from 2nd Round. Selected top 10 winners will be advised to send a newperformance entry. (Every 28th day of the month, 4pm)
- Out of the 10, only the Top 3 videos will be declared as winners (Champion, 1st runner up, 2nd runner up)In case of a tie, the video with the higher score for vocal technique shall be declared the winner.
- Winners will be decided based on the following criteria:
a. 50% - Vocal Technique (voice quality, tone)
b. 20% - Performance (interpretation, expression of song choice)
c. 20% - Showmanship (stage presence)
d. 10% - Popularity (likes, views, and shares) - Chosen winners based on the criteria will win a Platinum Karaoke unit + cash prize (prizes in excess of ₱10,000tax will be shouldered by Platinum Karaoke)
a. Champion - Platinum Karaoke PK-10 (worth ₱17,995) + 10k cash
b. 1st runner up - Platinum Karaoke Cello version 2.0 (worth ₱18,995) + 5k cash
c. 2nd runner up - Platinum Karaoke Piano XL SD (worth ₱9,995) + 3k cash - Announcement of winners will be every last day of the month (30th or 31st day, 4pm). Winners will be notified viaregistered mail, email and text message or call
- Claiming of prize should be within 60days from receipt of registered mail, otherwise prizes will be forfeited infavor of Platinum Karaoke with prior DTI approval
- Claiming of prize should be within 60days from receipt of registered mail, otherwise prizes will be forfeited infavor of Platinum Karaoke with prior DTI approval
- Contest will run from May 1 to July 31, 2021
Promo Title: Platinum Karaoke Singing Champion
DTI Fair Trade Permit No. FTEB-117456 Series of 2021
Approved duration: April 1 to June 30, 2021
Promo extended until Decemer 31, 2021 as approved by DTI FTEB

By joining this contest, participants shall agree on the following:
1. Their video and other pertinent details (name, address etc.) will be posted on the Platinum Karaoke FB page
2. Upon winning, they will claim the prize personally in our Taguig City head office or send an authorized
representative (if not available)
3. Winners shall agree on having their photo taken and posted on our official Platinum Karaoke FB Page